
Meggie does not have standalone installers, but it can be easily installed on Windows, macOS, or Linux systems with Python 3.9 or higher using either of the following methods:

Using conda

Installing miniconda

If conda is not already installed on your system, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Miniconda download page:

  2. Download the appropriate installer for your operating system:

    • Windows: Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe
    • Linux:
    • macOS: Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg
  3. Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Opening the Anaconda Prompt

  • Windows: After installation, you can access the Anaconda Prompt from the Start Menu. This opens a terminal window with conda commands available.

  • Linux/macOS: During installation, Miniconda updates the .zshrc or .bashrc file (depending on your default shell). Use the standard terminal application, and you may need to open a new terminal window to access the conda commands. The prompt should display “(base)” to indicate that conda is active.

Installing Meggie

Install Meggie in a conda environment:

$ conda create -n meggie-env -c conda-forge --solver libmamba meggie==1.9.0

Using pip:

Alternatively, if you have a standard python installation, you can directly use venv and pip to install Meggie in a virtual environment.

Create a virtual environment folder:

$ python -m venv meggie-env

Activate the environment:

$ source meggie-env/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

$ pip install -r

Install Meggie:

pip install meggie==1.9.0

Starting Meggie for the first time

Activate the environment in which Meggie was installed. For conda:

conda activate meggie-env

Or, for pip:

source meggie-env/bin/activate

Then run Meggie:

$ meggie